Taking a closer look into the gospel music terrain, you'll realize that every song goes ever-green; and Travis Montorius Greene has been at the fore in dishing-out untainted songs we just can't ignore.
As a phenomenal contemporary gospel artiste of our time, his songs always have a way of captivating the worshipper in you, and it'll have you praising without even realising it... Now, let's talk about his most recent music compilation, 'BROKEN RECORD'.
From the awesome delivery, spirit-filled lyrical content, well articulated production quality, passionate instrumentations, through the choice of featured artists, and the all-round addictive progression of the tracks, we can evidently say With BROKEN RECORD, we get moulded into a more sensitive worshipper, worshipping with the consciousness of God's presence.
In this latest musical compilation which I will ascribe to be a 'classic masterpiece', Travis endears his audience with an awe-inspiring grand-intro with "The Breaker"(God) and His ability to mend and rebuild; which if taken to consideration could be interchanged with The Potter(God), who is spoken of in Isaiah 29:16.
This however ushered in a well-structured progression that includes 'Great Jehovah', 'Good and Loved', 'Steffany's Prayer', 'Respond', 'All things new', 'No one else', 'Won't let go', 'Perform', and 'Loved by you'.
He then works his way down to close the curtains with "Broken Vessels" which provokes the need to go back to The Breaker whenever things go wrong.
Specifically, the 8th Track off the #BrokenRecord album is one mind-blowing message that this generation needs to strengthen their faith in the face of heavy challenges and trials.
Here, the song writer brought his creative abilities and all-round passion into his Lyrical content; and the delivery was more than epic.
Another major factor that played a part in the success of this album is the fact that the 'Made a way' Crooner let each song give a self-explanation of it's content and messages, by filling the spaces of impact, all pointing to title of the album BROKEN RECORD.
The songs unveiled our nature as humans, being helpless on the spiritual lane and God's ability and love expressed towards us through His son. This is portrayed by the way the songs form a story-pattern from bottom, all intricately crafted from experience and revelation.
I'd just like to conclude by saying most people would tend to see a bias in this review but you can't deny the grace that lives so evidently in his life because, for a man who's been declared dead twice to not be dead, but instead lives to declare the praises of God, he has a message for the world to listen, and that's what he does almost effortlessly.
HEY! MAGAZINE is inspired with this project, as it adds eternal value to the Christian faith in so many ways. So many thanks to Travis Greene for this one and more of to come.
God Bless you real good.
Album Score: 10/10
D’Nar Young, Steffany Gretzinger, Taylor Poole & Trinity Anderson
Brunes Charles, JeVon Hill & Travis Greene
Steffany Gretzinger & Travis Greene
CoCapt.Music, JeVon Hill & Stanley Black
⏱Duration: 54:02
🗓Released date: November 1st, 2019
Reviewed by: NWACHUKU EMENIKE (Instagram: @Chuuqs) for HEY! MAGAZINE